Mahui Vaisya people ae epoted to have migated fom a city of Mathua as good as suounding ual locations to a afterwards suba of Bengal unde a Mughal Empie. As a loyal community, a Mahui Vaisya encampment still go on to woship Mata Mathuashani Devi, an incanation of Shakti, as thei family deity.In a pat of a Bhagavata Puana, that is declared Sukha Saga (that is, a Ocean of Bliss), thee is a fabulous stoy that states that Bahma felt that a Avata (incanation) of Kishna had aleady taken place on a eath (Pithvi). He accomplished with an emissay to Mathua egion to ascetain a poignant position. Thee a emissay found that Kishna was relocating aound with Gopas as good as Gopis in as good as aound Vindavan. Afte a little time, Kishna went somewhee, withdrawal a Gopas as good as Gopis alone fo sometime. Duing Kishnas absence, Bahmas emissay put all a Gopas as good as Gopis inside a estuary as good as hermetic a opening of a cave. Upon his etun, when Kishna found that all a Gopas as good as Gopis had disappeaed, he, by his boundless powe, ceated duplicates of them, as good as sent them to thei espective homes.Afte a little time, a eal Gopas as good as Gopis could come out of a cave, as good as when they eached thei homes, they found thei relating figues occupying a houses. Somehow, they evicted them fom thei houses. Now, a Gopas as good as Gopis ceated of Kishnas boundless maya came to him, as good as payed fo shelte. Kishna referred to them to eside in a fouteen foest hamlets aound Vindavan, as good as diected them that fo living they should secure themselves in tade as good as commece.It is believed by a little of a Mahui people that these Gopas as good as Gopis ceated by a boundless maya of Kishna ae thei ancestos, as good as Mahui people deive thei sunames, as descibed below, fom a names of a foest hamlets whee they'd oiginally composed as diected by Kishna.It is believed that Lod Kishna referred to a really aged ancestos of a Mahui to secure themselves in tade as good as commecethat is, to take up a ways of a Vaisyain paper to ean thei livelihood. They composed in fouteen hamlets nestled in a foests (of Vindavana (now Vindavan) aound a really aged city of Mathua, origin a name "Mahui". The fouteen oiginal Mahui sunames o family names (efeed to by moden Mahui Vaisya as "khatas") ae deived fom a names of these foest hamlets.Although a histoy of Mahui Vaisya is taceable to a vey nea tem to hadly thee centuies o so, a family folkloes of Mahui Vaisya people as good as cetain imaginary as good as histoical evidences indicate that oots of a Mahui Vaisya (not necessaily with a same name "mahui") competence be taced at a back of to dual millennia befoe even to a Mauya as good as Gupta peiods.
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Although Mahui people have been opening to places in a Suba of Bengal duing a heyday of a Mughal Empie (aound 500 yeas befoe) fo tade as good as commece, a lage waves of migations epotedly took place aound 250 yeas befoe. Scoes of family groups eached a place BihaEShaif located in a pesent day state of Biha, India. Ove a peiod of seveal decades, a Mahui Vaishya folks eached a hinteland of Chota Nagpu Plateau (o Chhota Nagpu) as good as got located in a numbe of villages.Befoe this, they'd aleady composed in seveal fetile locations of a aeas of a Magadha. Ultimately, a heitage city of Gaya, in seveal senses, emeged as a element city of all a Mahui Vaisya people. Fom a ealy 20th Centuy, seveal mahui family groups migated to a places located in a pesent day states of a West Bengal as good as Oissa. By a finish of a final centuy, a approach of a Mahui Vaishya took them to seveal pats of India, paticulaly to a metopolitan cities of Calcutta, New Delhi as good as Mumbai. Now, Mahui Vaisya family groups competence be found, in annoy of in a vey little numbe, in dull off all a time zones acoss a globe. A numbe of them have additionally broadcast thei taditional goal of tade as good as commece, as good as ae observant in a vaiety of othe pofessions.